Care Before & After

Hip Arthroscopy Care

Pre-Operative Care
Physiotherapy is an integral part of the process of recovery for patients undergoing hip arthroscopy. It is ideal to see a physiotherapist pre-operatively to release any muscle spasms and gain optimal flexibility and strength.

Post-Operative Care
You will be in hospital overnight following your surgery. A physiotherapist will see you the day after the surgery. You will be taught how to do exercises to begin strengthening the muscles around the hips and pelvis. These exercises need to be continued at home after discharge.

The physiotherapist will assist you with mobilisation. You will be walking with the aid of crutches after the surgery. The amount of weight you will be allowed to place on your operated leg and the length of time that you need to use crutches will be determined by Dr Chuck after the surgery.

You will be taught how to climb stairs before you are discharged.

You will need physiotherapy after you are discharged from the hospital to optimise healing and rehabilitation after the arthroscopic surgery.

Rehabilitation time after an arthroscopy is between 4 and 6 months, in the 4 different stages of the exercise program.

You will be required to see a biokineticist for further rehabilitation once your physiotherapist deems you are ready for this phase, usually after 2 months.

Please try not to change your dressing once you have been discharged from the hospital. Keep the wounds clean, dry and closed until your appointment. There will be some oozing on to the plasters, this is normal. If the dressing does come off or get wet, then it may be changed with those that are in the dressing pack that the hospital gives you on discharge. There will be 3 – 4 plasters. If you are in any way concerned about the wounds, please phone the rooms. Please bring the dressing pack with you when you come to see Wound Care nurse at the 3 weeks follow up appointment – for suture removal. You will not be seen by Dr Cakic at this visit, unless there is a problem, then Dr Cakic will be notified. Otherwise you will see Dr Cakic at the 6 weeks follow up appointment.

Dr Chuck will advise you as to when you may drive again.

Activities of daily living immediately after surgery:
  • When lying on your back, place a pillow under your knees.
  • When lying on your side, place a pillow between your knees.
  • Use a non-slip mat in the shower.
  • Take your body and hands down to your feet to put shoes/socks on.
  • To pick up an object off the floor, use the “safety position” and leave the operated leg behind while bending body forward.
  • Going up a flight of stairs, place your good leg on the first step, then your recovering leg, then your crutches. Going down a flight of stairs, place your crutches down first, then the recovering leg and then the good leg.
  • In the car, push the seat back as far as possible and recline the back rest.

Pre-cautions and contraindications
The following movements are not allowed for the first 6 weeks:
  • Bending your hip beyond a position of comfort
  • Rotating your leg outwards and bringing your foot up to your hands to put shoes and socks on/washing your foot in the shower
  • Rotating your leg outwards more than 45°
  • Deep squats
  • Slouching in a chair, sitting in a lazy-boy chair or soft chair/couch

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