Dr JN Cakic


Patient Experiences

This is just a little note to record my thanks and appreciation for the hip replacement which you performed on me on the 19th of January 2009. I previously had my left hip replaced by an excellent surgeon using the traditional hip replacement surgery, in May 2005. The operation was most successful. I occasionally have cramping problems in my left hip flexer muscles which I put down to the fact that my muscles and tendons were cut during the operation which I understand is necessary for the traditional operation. I was out of action for the first 3 months after the operation, being on 2 crutches for the first 6 weeks and thereafter using 1 crutch for the following 6 weeks. Thereafter by being diligent with my exercises given by the Physiotherapist I was able to return to all my physical activities.
My operation on my right hip with you, Dr Cakic: My operation was done by you in the afternoon of the 19th of January 2009. I am advised that you performed the AMIS (anterior minimally Invasive surgery) on me.
I came out of the operation at about 5.30pm on that day. I do not recall having had any pain whatsoever since that day. I have not even had to take any painkillers as a result of the surgery. After spending one day (Tuesday) mostly in bed and having a session with the physiotherapist I woke up on Wednesday morning feeling great. I used the 2 crutches given to me to go to the bathroom. I was able to use the toilet without any discomfort. I was then allowed by you to go home.
(When I had the previous operation I had to use a special toilet raise, in order to go to the toilet, for several weeks. Needless to say that process was a pain in the ar–. Seriously it was painful and very difficult to get used to when going to the toilet. In fact I was so uncomfortable when going to the toilet that I preferred to only have liquids at meal times for the first 1 to 2 weeks. The pain after the operation during the long healing process was sometimes most intense and I was also on painkillers etc for several weeks).
Since my AMIS operation I have not had to take a pain killer at all for any discomfort from the operation. I went home on the Wednesday morning. I did not have to use my crutches although you had advised me to be very careful especially when appearing in public and to use the crutches on such occasions. I have been very diligent in carrying out all that you have told me to do and what not to do. You referred me to Liz Browne the Physiotherapist who has been absolutely fantastic in coaching me to get the best results from the operation and on how to avoid any potentially harmful accidents. She has also been fantastic in my rehabilitation to absolute normality. I was given permission to drive my car after 2 weeks and waited until then even though I felt able to drive sooner. By the 3rd week I was able (with your permission) to go to the golf course and start putting and hitting a few chips. After 4and 1/2 weeks I was back on the golf course playing 18 holes with no after effects whatsoever. I was back at gym 2 weeks after the operation although I avoided any exercise that could affect my hip and the healing process. Your operation has been one of the finest experiences of my life. My pain has disappeared and most importantly because no muscles or tendons were cut by you during the operation, my recuperation has been exceptional and miraculous compared to the previous operation which I had. The staff at the “Life” clinic, evidently under your guidance and instruction were excellent while I was at the Carstenhof Clinic. Your staff in your offices both in Rosebank and Carstenhof have likewise been excellent.
Please accept my sincerest thanks and deep appreciation for your brilliance in a most successful operation. Hip Hip hooray.
Regards, LD

Recovery Videos

10 Days Post-Op

2 Weeks Post-Op

1 Month Post-op

The first step towards freedom from pain is to book a consultation to assess the extent of the damage